FIRST STAR ESCAPED TO MILKY WAY'S BLACK HOLE - S5-HVS1 Black hole is the one of the giant in space. Even fastest thing can not escaped from it's gravitational force. Gravitational force is the weakest force among all four forces but black hole shows it's still too strong . Black hole is so dense point in the 4 dimensional space -time which has tremendous mass in single point. According to scientist ,black holes plays important role in formation of galaxies. Every galaxy has one massive black hole at it's center. The stars in vicinity of black holes revolve around black hole with elliptical path. Even our MILKY WAY also has Saggiritus a. Sagittarius A is so massive black hole but still S5-HVS1 manage to escape from it's gravitational pull. The gravitational pull of these behemoths is so enormous that not even light can escape – which is why we can’t just look into the night sky and ‘see’ one. Now scientists have discovered ...