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This blog is about cosmological phenomena .we discuss about recent astrophysical events and science behind it


BLACK HOLE SWALLOWING THE NEUTRON STAR Black holes are considered as giant hunters which are hungry for matter. They swallow every thing made up of matter. This time scientists have discovered a black hole swallowing it's nearby neutron star.  Scientists may have detected merger of black hole and neutron star. 900 millions years ago, black hole and neutron Star started merging which cause gravitational ripple in space-time fabric which was detected in last week at ligo and Virgo by highly sensitive light interferometer which is specially developed for detection of such type of gravitational waves.  Scientists from LIGO and VIRGO have claimed  that it is gravitational waves candidate. When two bodies in space time with very high mass interact with each other this causes conversion of mass into energy in form of gravitational waves.  The intensity depends on masses of two black holes or other celestial bodies. Scientists have observed the binary black holes or bina


GHOST PARTICLE (NEUTRINOS)      A neutrino is a subatomic particle that is very similar to an electron, but has no electrical charge and a very small mass, which might even be zero. Neutrinos are one of the most abundant particles in the universe. Because they have very little interaction with matter, however, they are incredibly difficult to detect. SPIN :   1/2 (chargeless) TYPES :               1. ELECTRON               2. MUON               3.TAU Neutrinos are termed as ghost particles because the scientists think, it is too  hard to detect  neutrinos as they are Massless and can't react with matter. It can pass through matter like earth, sun. Even billions of neutrinos still are passing through your palm but you don't know. Then how can we study these type of particles? As they are Massless or even can't react with ordinary matter, they are considered from one of the family of dark matter. But recently team of scientists successfully measure mass of t


PULSARS PULSARS are highly magnetized neutron star which is rotating at high speed . It is White dwarf or neutron star which emits electromagnetic radiation. Pulsars have strong magnetic field which funnels jet out particles in form of radiation. This radiation can be detected only if radiation points towards earth. This particles create a beam of light. Three distinct classes of pulsars are currently known , according to the source of the power of the electromagnetic radiation: 1. Rotation-powered pulsars , where the loss of rotational energy of the star provides the power, 2.Acceration power pulsars where gravitational potential energy of accerated matter is power source.  3.Magnstars where decay of electromagnetic field of pulsar provide power.  APPLICATIONS:                                     pulsar are used to find unobservable celestial object known as neutron star which rotates near to speed of light.   Milliseconds pulsar allowed to test        G


FIREWALL PARADOX( MONOGAMY OF QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT)  QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT Quantum entanglement is phenomenon in which group of particles generate and react with each other in way such that the quantum state of one particle cannot predict independently state of others,even they are separated with long distances. REASON BEHIND PARADOX According to quantum physics of curved space time and single emission of hawking radiation include only single entangled particles. The outgoing particle escapes and is emitted as a quantum of Hawking radiation; the infalling particle is swallowed by the black hole. Assume a black hole formed a finite time in the past and will fully evaporate away in some finite time in the future. Then, it will only emit a finite amount of information encoded within its Hawking radiation. Assume for time  , more than half of the information had already been emitted. According to widely accepted research by physicists like Don page the outgoing particle will b

Sagittarius A* is glowing 75 times.

SAGITTARIUS  A* SUDDENLY  FLASHING 75 TIMES BRIGHTER  SAGITTARIUS A*  is super massive  black hole at Center of our galaxy. It has 22 million km long radius. It is compact radio wave source which is situated at Sagittarius constellation. It is nearly 25640 light years away from earth.  It weighs 4 million solar masses. It's apparent size is 100 millionth degrees means watching tennis ball kept on moon from earth.  SAGITTARIUS A* IS GLOWING 75TIMES . There is something surprisingly happening in heart of our milky way. Sagittarius A* is too calm and take type black hole. He is not eating too much now,but eventually it started flared up 75 times than normal.  Researcher observed that Sgr A* is glowing 75times and luling  down. Scientist have  said this yo-yoing observed 26000years ago. Scientists from WM Keck observatory ,Hawaii took two hours lapse video of this wonder.Black hole always flash but this time it is too much flashing.                                 


DARK ENERGY Dark energy  is unknown form of energy hypothesized to permeate all space and responsible for expansion of universe which decrease temperature as well as oppose gravitational pull. Every object in universe appears moving away from other object due to expansion of space .  Dark energy is the most accepted hypothesis to explain the observations since the 1990s indicating that the universe is  accelerating at very fast rate.   Dark energy  is not  negative energy . It causes a repulsion because of its unusual equation of state, which causes it to behave as if it has a  negative  pressure. ... It's not obvious that the  energy  of the universe or the gravitational potential  energy  of the universe is a well defined and useful concept BIG  FREEZE  THEORY  Observations suggest that the expansion of the universe will continue forever. If so, then a popular  theory  is that the universe will cool as it expands, eventually becoming too cold to sustain life. F